Ranged across several generations, the story begins with a wealthy merchant, Lind, and his wife travelling in the coldest depths of winter to...
In Rørland in the South of Norway the ship monger's daughter is in love with her childhood friend salve to her father's dislike. Salve goes...
A hairdresser wins the lottery and decides to spoil herself by spending Easter at a mountain resort where she meets new people.
Syv dage for Elisabeth
De tre måske fire
Diddi Werner is an orphan and has been raised by her aunts Lotten and Amalia. Amalia wants her to study further after graduation while Lotten wants...
En stille flirt
Based on the novel "Marit Skjølte" by Kristofer Janson, this Norwegian silent movie tells the story of young Marit and her love, Anders, who...
The Bridal Party in Hardanger