The offbeat German comedian offers his take on life in the UK. Wehn, who styles himself as the 'German Comedy Ambassador to the UK', moved to Britain...
Henning Wehn: No Surrender
The Fringe, Fame and Me is the story of how a small Scottish arts festival that began 75 years ago this year became a national institution – a...
The Fringe, Fame and Me
Watch Henning give everything a good rinse and witness him wring sense out of the nonsensical. Henning has no agenda, he just happens to be always...
Henning Wehn: It'll All Come Out in the Wash
Treat yourself to 81 minutes of Teutonic jolliness at its best . Filmed at the Palace Theatre in Southend.
Henning Wehn: Henning Knows Bestest
Star of QI, Live At The Apollo and Have I Got News For You, German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn gives a hilarious outsider’s view on modern...
Henning Wehn: Eins, Zwei, DIY
Live performance from German comedian Henning Wehn in which he discusses Britain's decision to leave the EU and tackles the hot-button topic of...
Henning Wehn: Westphalia Is Not an Option
In this programme, three celebrities take on iconic, long-distance hikes in some of the world's most remote locations. On this expedition,...
A Week in the Wild