A scientist obsessed with creating life steals body parts to put together his "creation." Released as a feature on video, this was originally shown...
A decorated Vietnam Vet returns to his father's ranch in Arizona just as criminally minded carnies begin to cause trouble.
The No Mercy Man
The story of the life and witness of a Christian Police Officer called Dennis Hill asks the question, why did he have to die that night? How could...
Heaven's Heroes
A woman is left on her own to raise her two children after the unexpected death of her husband.
Patty is lying awake one night in a church basement, distraught and scared. She is to be executed the next morning for refusing to take the Mark of...
A Distant Thunder
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women...
The Women's Room