"Yang Spirit" is a costume fantasy and suspense film that tells the story of Zhao Fei Rong, the saint of the Dalo sect, who tries every means to find...
Soul of Light
When Qing Cheng was a teenager, he was attacked by an unknown mutant monster and lost his family and memory. He was regarded by the villagers as an...
The Unbelievable (The Cases of Disappearances)
The Antarctic Octopus
The classic story of Hou Yi (后羿) and Chang E (嫦娥) from Chinese mythology brought to life for modern audiences with a new...
Fly to the Moon
The film tells a motivational story of a disabled girl who pursuit her dreams. Gong Beibei, a grade 2 student studied in high school, was...
Morning Princess
A female body is found in a lodging house in Jiangcheng, and through investigative visits, the police confirm the deceased as a trainee doctor of the...
Acupuncture Needle