A young and unworldly kung fu student is now the student of an evil teacher, the villainous Manchu Lord Tsoi. The young impressionable man soon...
The Buddha Assassinator
The violent tale of an undercover agent's mission to topple a Chinese opium ring that is headed by a ruthless kingpin known only as "The Tongfather."
The Tongfather
Watch WANG YU as a one-armed savior battling the local goons in this martial arts classic. He has some rather amazing moves up his sleeve.
One Armed Swordsman Against Nine Killers
The plot is a standard revenge tale told in a concise manner that involves a boy witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of corrupt officials and...
Shaolin Traitorous
Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of...
The Screaming Tiger