Three young martial arts students and their teacher are beaten up badly by a wandering man who proclaims himself "a corrector of bad kung-fu."...
Five Superfighters
A young man vows revenge against the killers of his father. To do this, he must train with his father's teacher who teaches him the "Shadow Claw", a...
Crystal Fist
A dying Manchu kung fu fighter sends his three sons on a mission of revenge against the five Southern champs who defeated and humiliated him a...
Super Power
Eastern Heroes Collection: Imperial guards are ordered to kill the family of Hsiung Chih. He escapes the massacre, and also saves a roving...
Shaolin Drunken Fight
A small-time crook goes in search of the other half of a wooden keepsake which will lead him to the legendary kung fu technique of the Gibbon Clan...
Monkey Kung Fu
Sung Shao Chong (Billy Chong) traverses the Arizona desert, helping those in need on the way to meet his old friend Kum (Lam Hak-Ming) in a small...
Sun Dragon
A young peasant boy who is bullied by local noblemen seeks to learn drunken boxing from the head of a local martial arts school. When the boy beats...
Snake in the Monkey's Shadow