The story of a high society hostess named Tangerine and her three teenage daughters: Faith, Hope, and Charity. Tangerine throws lavish parties at her...
Dorothy LeMay was a very hot little strumpet in her day, with a gorgeous mane of red hair, a tight little body & big wide innocent eyes. She made her...
The Very Best of Dorothy Lemay
San Francisco is the setting for Play-around Magazines's "Most Exciting Sexual Experience" contest. Four beautiful Small Town Girls are chosen by the...
Small Town Girls
A lovely young French woman comes to America seeking employment and to learn the English language better. The woman hooks up with a job agency that...
Love Dreams
Annette Haven plays a down-on-the-farm girl who decides, after a confrontation with her stepfather, to head out to the big city. There she finds that...
Peaches and Cream
This Catering Service Delivers Their Goods with a Personal Service! When a young girl inherits a mansion from a mysterious benefactor, she also...
Chop Stix