Kidong accompanies his mother Ehwa, a renowned Shaman, on a spiritual journey where Ehwa summons gods for her disciple Jiwon, who is to become a...
Actor Kang Seo Joon was once one of South Korea’s biggest and most popular stars, but his career is now in decline. But despite his fall in...
To My Star
The three people, who have difficulty finding their common ground, open their eyes in an unknown space. Who, why, how where they locked up here? They...
A film student is having her birthday party with a few of her classmates she hasn’t seen in a while. Yeong-ju and Chae-eun become close friends...
Graduation Film
Reonghee and I are illegal aliens. Yesterday, Reonghee died while running away from the Immigrant Office Agents. The company we worked for is only...