Following the events of the first part, Mansour Al-Hefni escapes from prison and reunites with his son Ali and brother to return to the island to...
The Island 2
"The Green Door" is a thought-provoking social drama set in the 1990s, exploring the abandonment of principles and morals by individuals and the...
Al Bab Al Akhdar
Magdy is searching for true love, so when he finds his childhood friend Dina on Facebook he tries to get closer to her. He is afraid that she would...
10 filmmakers provide 10 separate stories focusing on the 18 days of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. Ten stories they have experienced, heard, or...
18 Days
The film revolves around an officer who examines some social issues, especially those related to the crises of the poor within moled el saida, and...
Yom We Leila
Between summer and winter is Egyptian Short Film
Between Summer and Winter
Raouf is an interior designer and an owner of a home furniture gallery. He is a very suspicious person when it comes to dealing with all people...
Over My Dead Body
Taking place in the world of acting workshops, the story follows a young man who is looking for an opportunity to break into the world of acting with...
The Workshop
The events of the film take place in a social and comedic context, where the psychiatrist Youssef is responsible for issuing a psychological report...
My Wife's Ex
Pasha Palace
Cocoa harvest season
The play combines Beckett's true personality with his conflict with the two characters who make up the heroes of his two novels, "Malone Dies" and...
Emancipation in the Brain
A series of comedic sketches that express the disappearance of the beautiful and noble meanings in our lives in various fields, presented by...
Black Coffe