In 2013, five friends with no documentary experience embarked on a journey to expose the rise of dangerous substance adulteration, and provide a...
What's in My Baggie?
Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, "Swim Little Fish Swim" is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.
Swim Little Fish Swim
In this retelling of the classic tale, Aladdin is an out of work indie-rock singer living in a video-game-world ruled by a perverted...
Adam Green's Aladdin
Hamilton Morris heads to the heart of the Brazilian Amazon to investigate a traditional drug extracted from the screen secretions of a jungle frog.
Hamilton's Pharmacopeia: The Sapo Diaries
"There is an Amazonian frog called Phyllomedusa Bicolor or the Sapo which I have been reading about for years. It is totally different from the...
Tripping on Hallucinogenic Frogs