The two-minute warning signals the final and climactic moments of play in a football game. In this riveting and explosive new video, you'll discover...
Earth's Two-Minute Warning
Leading biblical scholars and religious experts discuss the implications of the Rapture, when prophecies predict that Jesus Christ will return to...
Left Behind
At the dawn of the 20th century, the fastest mode of transportation was the iron horse. Most people preferred to ride the flesh and blood variety on...
The Late Great 20th Century
All the seemingly innocent symbolism of Halloween – blackcats, snakes, broomsticks, bonfires, “trick or treat,”...
Pagan Invasion, Vol. 1: Halloween: Trick or Treat
This prophecy movie is a breath-taking prophetic glimpse into the future. World renowned authors Hal Lindsay, Dr. Tim LaHaye, Marlin Maddoux, and...
One World Globalism, the Anti-Christ, and Planet Earths Last Days
Examines some of the present-day practices of Satan worship and the cults of black magic.
The Occult: An Echo from Darkness
Y2K is a logic bomb because of the way the date was originally entered onto the computer (it assumed the year would be 19-- ). Hal Linden and Cliff...
Facing Millennium Midnight