In this bittersweet family comedy, shy teenager Libby moves back to Israel to live with her hapless father Shaul, unexpectedly finding herself...
Off White Lies
Three friends concoct the ultimate love drug, TLV, and fall in love with the same woman, Renana. Years later, Renana's ex-lovers team up to rescue...
Total Love
Tel Aviv, Israel. The twisted paths of three very different men brutally collide due to a chain of unspeakable murders: a grieving father who has...
Big Bad Wolves
This is the story of Nits, a restless bum and a hopeless cynic as he returns from his journey with an obsessive intention of bringing back his ex-...
Up The Wrong Tree
Franny is seven years old. Franny's mother's new boyfriend is 26 year old Nico, an aspiring filmmaker who couldn't even finish his graduation film....
10% My Child
Somewhere in Jérusalem, two girls have been sharing an apartment for two years. Now one of them is leaving, and the other, while searching for...
Top of the World
An existential comedy about a neurotic film director whose fears of failure, death and losing control all surface on the night his new film is...
Peaches & Cream
The saga of a restless and relentless Anglo-Jewish Family which according to its founding fathers, served as God's gift to Zionism, is exposed by the...
The Bentwich Syndrome
A semi-retired rocker is dragged to a vegan farm by his ex-girlfriend, on a last attempt for a comeback. Not having much to do, he finds refuge from...
Haifa on a sunny day. Moshe is a crumbling man walking up the Carmel Mountain on yet another work day. Will this day mark his collapse? Uri walks...