A thriller revolving around a sudden blast in a Khagragarh firecracker unit, some 70 km away from then president of India's house, ahead of Durga...
Based on the historical attack on Writers' Building by three Bengal Volunteers in 1930. Releasing on Indian Republic Day.
8/12 (Binay Badal Dinesh)
Rahool Mukherjee's homage to Madhuri Dixit.
Ami O Amar Madhuri
Rahmat, a middle-aged Afghan man, whose heart overflows with fatherly love for a little girl Mini, in the bustling city of Calcutta set in the year...
In a town middle-aged women start getting murdered and a boy loses his own mother on the day of Mahalaya. He then lodges an FIR. The plot takes a...
Bijoya Dashami