Forced to live a life inhabited by her wicked step mother and her two step sisters, Cinderella Perrault, learns about the fruition of love, life, and...
Cinderella: The Enchanted Beginning
Set in the crime underworld of South Florida, Jacqueline is used as a pawn by her Miami crime boss father Jimmy Bombay. To expand his crime empire...
Final Engagement
Assassin's Vow
An ambitious assistant prosecuting attorney, his wife, and an audacious erotic performance artist, engage in a triangle of ambition, deceit, romance,...
Rope Art
Cozy, a dissatisfied housewife, meets Lee at a bar. A drink turns into a home break-in, and a gunshot sends them on the run together, thinking...
River of Grass
In this modern adaptation of Rapunzel, a young girl who has lived her entire life in a room catered by her mother, the infamous scientist Dr. Gothen,...
Rapunzel: A Princess Frozen in Time