At the height of the October Revolution during the 1919 allied intervention in Arkhangelsk, the exploits of one-legged Canadian soldier Lt. John...
Mike is released from a mental institution and finds himself in a filthy room and board where dreams and reality are one. A moving depiction of...
Pure fantasia, a race to save the world from a fatal heart attack, juxtaposed against a love rivalry between two brothers - a mortician and an actor...
The Heart of the World
The explosive story of how a stubborn band of independent filmmakers started a film co-operative that became the most highly respected and...
Tales from the Winnipeg Film Group
While their mother is dying in the modern Gimli, Manitoba hospital, two young children are told an important tale by their Icelandic grandmother...
Tales from the Gimli Hospital
After a bad day at work, a fairground performer sets out to disprove the theory of heredity so that he can marry his sister.
Stump the Guesser
A recently-deposed Central American dictator re-locates to a small town in Northern Manitoba and starts a new repressive regime.
Smoked Lizard Lips