In 1978 Oregon, Ben and Jules inherit an abandoned coastal property from Ben's late mother, who's never mentioned it. The untouched house has been...
The Tank
A young black kid in 1964, New Zealand discovers a TV from the future and sees a world in which he can be a part of.
To Tell A Vision
A series of escalating incidents around the world lead to greater and greater conflict, placing the superpowers at one another's throats. Armies...
World War Four
An ordinary guy suddenly finds himself forced to fight a gladiator-like battle for a dark website that streams the violence for viewers. In order to...
Guns Akimbo
3am. Hongjing, China. 1980s. A single-minded surgeon is forced to break her physician's oath when violent gangsters storm into a hospital to stop a...
Do No Harm
A terminally ill man and his teenage daughter embark on a road trip from California to New Orleans for his 20th college reunion. While there, he...
Don't Make Me Go