On his ninth birthday, young Gwyn (Osian Roberts), who lives on a remote hill farm in Wales, receives five strange gifts from his grandmother...
The Snow Spider
Young magician Gywn and his friend Nia have been warned to stay away from Emlyn Llewelyn, the strange boy who claims his mother lives on the moon....
Emlyn's Moon
Gwyn can feel danger coming in the wind. Somehow he knows the warnings have to do with the broken toy horse that holds the evil spirit of a prince...
The Chestnut Soldier
Wales in the 19th Century. Becca is married to Dai, who is transported to the penal colony of Diemen's Land (Tasmania) for rebellion. His brother...
An award-winning comedy set in a depressed town in the South Wales Valleys. When the local cinema is closed down, the former projectionist, plagued...
Coming Up Roses