Four Edgar Allan Poe adaptations running an hour apiece, including "Night in the House of Usher," "Ligeia Forever," "The Delusion of William Wilson"...
The Fantastic Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
A young woman is forced into a convent. However, due to her nobility she rises to be an abbess. She has to deal with corruption in the church.
The Castro's Abbess
Puglia, southern Italy, around 1400. A convent is invaded by the Tarantula cult, whose fanatical and crazed members desecrate the sacred place by...
Flavia the Heretic
A thief steals a suitcase but it contains a corpse and the thief is sentenced, but is released by the robbed doctor, who then subjects him to a...
Un mostro e mezzo
A man living in a remote area of India has an affair with a local woman who he leaves in order to marry another. His lover commits suicide after...
Death Uncertain
A traveler becomes a target for various crime syndicates when it turns out he's a dead ringer for a wanted mercenary.
A Candidate for a Killing