Precocious teenager Juliet moves to New Zealand with her family and soon befriends the quiet, brooding Pauline through their shared love of fantasy...
Heavenly Creatures
Jack and Dora, abandoned by their parents as babies, are desperate to find each other after years of adoption. Jack's young life has been spent with...
Jack Be Nimble
Rebecca Swain is a beautiful, intellectual young woman. Life is good to her. Her new boyfriend Matt's family is rich and socially prominent. The idea...
Cupid's Prey
Richard, an astronomy-obsessed worrier spends his time fantasizing about outer-space and the cosmos, an activity which antagonizes friends and...
Beyond Gravity
This is the story of Bella, a defiantly proud transsexual and part-time tattooist, whose mere presence arouses the ire of one of the prison guards....
15-year-old Davie Balfour is poised to receive a vast inheritance when he's lured onto a cargo ship, knocked unconscious, and kidnapped by his...