The story of an unlikely hero, a poor indigenous Maya girl living in a remote section of Guatemala, who survived a genocide and became a voice for...
Rigoberta Menchu: Daughter of the Maya
The story of Monteforte Toledo - the film's Doctor Zamora - who comes to San Pedro La Laguna (Guatemala) as a young man during the military...
Where the Roads End
Set during the civil war in 1980's Guatemala. A group of six men and a woman must find a way to work together to protect the village of Las Cruces...
Las Cruces, poblado próximo
LENCHO, a 30-year-old artist and graffiti writer, is back in Guatemala after living a decade in New York. Eager to bring artistic expression to his...
The Return of Lencho
Visiting american journalist Johnson finds more in Guatemala than he's bargained for. His reporter contact is missing and nobody's looking for him;...
Invisible Evidence