The lives of the tenants of a lower-class apartment building in the outskirts intersect on a backdrop of crime, drug dealing, confused feelings and...
Tainted Souls
Samuel has spent the last few years in and out a juvenile detention center for the crimes theft, assault and drug dealing. Without a real family, he...
Il terzo tempo
Daniel is the son of African parents born in Rome. He is a police officer of the State Police Department. One day he finds out that his unit will...
The Legionnaire
In a neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome the crime, drugs and graffiti are pervasive. A large apartment complex seems to be a prison for the...
And Peace on Earth
A girl tries to attune her breathing to the movements of her bow, arrow after arrow. But her sporting talent hides her need to retrieve a primitive,...
My Bow Breathing
Do you remember your first trip? Not the one you made at 5 years old with your parents to the East Coast of the United States. I mean the first time...
Daniel is the only African-Italian officer in the flying squad in Rome, tasked with evicting 150 families from an apartment building that they have...