Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each...
Tony is crazy about video games. But he is arrested during a hold-up which failed, and he goes to prison for eight months. When he gets out, he...
Maxime Depratte, a charismatic company director, invites Corentin Michelot, his meticulous and unassuming accountant, to dinner to "fix" a...
Le coucou
Delphine, a saleswoman in a French fry stand, and Roland, a campsite warden, fall in love at first sight. They are in perfect love, but their big...
Un amour en kit
Portrait Craché
After a wizard's spell goes awry, 12th-century Gallic knight Godefroy de Papincourt, Count of Montmirail finds himself transported to 1993, along...
The Visitors
Drole de Jeu