In the 1850s, a young prince in India promises his dying father he will lead a revolt against the English colonial masters of India. However, since...
The Bronze Bell
While on a train trip, Mary Ryan runs into her old friend Jane Loomis. Mary was once a professional thief but is now reformed. Jane tells her that...
Live and Let Live
Andy Lanning, a peace-loving blacksmith, rescues Ann, the fiancée of Charles Merchant, from a runaway team. When the town bully picks a fight...
The Fighting Streak
Insurance agent-physician collects on policies of men murdered by a disfigured resident of the home for the blind where he acts as doctor-on-call.
The Human Monster
Competition between Dick, whose father runs a riding school, and expects to win the local gymkhana, and the baker's children who teach their van pony...
Stable Rivals
A gangster's girl loves a one-eyed boxer who is framed for robbery.
No Way Back
Hessian officers' flirtations with an artist's daughter accidentally give signals to the attacking English.
London bachelor Reggie Bryant receives a most unusual gift from his uncle - an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus with a 3,000 year old princess inside....
A Night of Magic
1860 ushers in the era of iron ships, Richard Sibley, a builder of wooden ships, stubbornly resists the change, which leads him to forbid the...
Clytie Whitmore (Viola Dana) finally consents to marry Cadbury Todd (Gerald Pring), but while walking down the aisle she runs out of the church and...
June Madness
Detective Sexton Blake takes on Nazi spies while solving a series of crimes.
The Echo Murders
Storyline Roger Henderson, the young son of a wealthy British gentleman, lives in one of those grand British country estates surrounded by huge...
The Secret Tunnel
Eccentric inventor Charlie Jackson tries to interest wealthy investors in his girlfriend's plan to help children from poor neighbourhoods.
The Nut
Crime thriller following the rise of a petty thief to underworld crime boss.
The Dark Road