A thriller set in 1932 about two nurses trapped in a country mansion with their invalid patient whilst a killer is on the loose. A series of...
When Night Falls
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey...
Send a Gorilla
Nightmare creatures and flesh eating dragons roam the kingdom of the wicked Prince John destroying all those who cross their path. Tyranny and...
Darkest Knight
A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from an adrift rowboat.
The Light Between Oceans
A lonely woman goes on a date with a disagreeable bachelor and must decide what's more important: compatibility or companionship.
Based on the autobiographical work of New Zealand writer Janet Frame, this production depicts the author at various stage of her life. Afflicted with...
An Angel at My Table