Set in a dilapidated indoor swimming pool (the Central Baths in Sofia), the film details the efforts of Anton, a clueless dreamer who yearns to sail...
The film belongs to the 'migration cycle' in the Bulgarian cinema. It is about the drama of a group of women who have been left alone in their...
Sashko and Tanya are two lovers who want to go on a holiday at the seaside. In order to earn money, Sasho starts working in a brigade digging a well...
A Ray of Sunshine
Before going on leave an experienced magistrate assigns to his assistant a case that has been all but concluded. Everything has been proved. The...
Judge and the Forest
The charming young man Ran is a director in a school in his hometown. His classmate Mariana is his wife. At the first glance, things are like, as...
Don't Go Away!
The students Yoshkata and Petar share rooms and wartime privations in a poor man's street. Over a glass of vine, Yoshkata often talks about the stage...
Poor Street
Born in a small village, Yordan has to live and work in the nearby town. Only on the weekends can he return to his native village. He travels by a...
A Peasant on a Bicycle