Jimmy lives in the tranquil town of Eagle Rock, Louisiana, with his father, stepmother and his best friend Rainy, a German Shepherd. When Jimmy's...
Cool Dog
The true story of a brilliant but politically radical debate team coach who uses the power of words to transform a group of underdog African-American...
The Great Debaters
A reclusive family therapist craving the solitude of an exclusive downtown loft doesn't realize that he's not the only person living in the same...
Sunny in the Dark
A guy who falls for every girl he sees, finally meets the one...but can he catch her?
Running Girl
A DEA agent and an undercover Naval Intelligence officer who have been tasked with investigating one another find they have been set up by the mob --...
2 Guns
After tragedy strikes Henry and Penny, he befriends a tenacious young girl and discovers she is constructing a raft to sail across the Atlantic to...
The Book of Love
Blending family values and life lessons with music and dance, JK's House entertains while teaching kids important life lessons about such topics as...
JK's House
A nice guy goes into the hospital for surgery and through a series of mishaps suffers every man's worst nightmare.
National Lampoon's Snatched