This gripping historical drama recounts the story of Armenian-born Missak Manouchian, a woodworker and political activist who led an immigrant...
Army of Crime
Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he...
13 Thirteen
Lulu, at the age of ten, wants to be the one to slaughter the family pig. But the same day, Vincent, his mother's new man, moves into the farm,...
Commissioned to mark the 60th anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival, "To Each His Own Cinema" brought together 33 of the world's pre-eminent...
To Each His Own Cinema
On the main square of a mining town stands a cross depicting a saint, regarded by the local miners as their protector. One day, the cross is taken...
Citizen Saint
Three French hipsters and their translator travel through rural Georgia to claim a remote, ruined castle that one of them has inherited. En route,...
In cities like Paris there are countless people from Eastern Europe who have forsaken their homelands because they can see no future there. Lucia and...
The lives of three thieves attempting to rob a house are altered by what they see inside.
It's 1992. Young Dina lives in a remote mountain village where life is strictly governed by centuries of tradition. Dina's grandfather has promised...
A Gypsy family travels the French roads during the Second World War, followed by Little Claude, a young boy seeking a new family after his parents...
A girl is approached by a strange boy outside her high school. He asks her to follow him to hear stories where gods fall in love with human beings.
After learning from her mother that her father lives in India, a young woman goes there to meet him for the first time.
The Untouchable