Set in 1970s Naples, bullied nine year-old Peppino is watching the world around him as his extended dysfunctional family change. Psychedelic flower...
When Debora's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, she worries that her 11-year-old son Ciro may be showing...
Too Neapolitan
In this fact-based drama, an ecology-minded fisherman is elected mayor of his corrupt seaside town and begins crusading against drugs and crime.
The Major Fisherman
High school professor Guido is a hopeless romantic whose life falls apart after his girlfriend leaves him for another man. Paolo, a former student of...
Ma che bella sorpresa
Veronica has twenty years and is imprisoned in a huge body. During a disco she suffers the joke of a boy. Desperate, Veronica is hiding in a club...