An in depth description of the lives of Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, otherwise known as the Moors Murderers. It focuses on their relationship and the...
Myra Hindley. the Untold Story
Six weeks after the Gu'un aliens have invaded and completely conquered Earth, hapless Stewart becomes the Gu'uns' official human liaison who ends up...
We Are Not Alone
Helen's mundane life at the chicken factory takes an unexpected turn with Joanne's return. They were each other's secret teenage passion. As they...
Chuck Chuck Baby
A rugged stranger, at a crossroads in his life, checks into an unassuming bed and breakfast hotel in a seaside town. Although initially disturbed by...
A giant beanstalk brings Jack to a land in the clouds filled with snarling, evil beasts. When the creatures make their way to the ground, Jack must...
Jack the Giant Killer