This classic Greek comedy revolves around the constant fights between Zikos who works as a clerk at a small grocer's shop and the shop's owner. Zikos...
World Gone Mad
Bursting with excitement before meeting a blonde hottie and her equally good-looking companion, a lascivious merchant lures his gullible old friend...
Το Καρπουζάκι
Intent on marrying into money, two antagonists will stop at nothing to seduce a young heiress, renouncing their sweethearts just to get a greater...
Φτωχαδάκια και Λεφτάδες
Mina is a poor girl who arrives on Corfu for vacation. There, she meets Darzento, a rich man pretending to be poor, and poses as the daughter of a...
Scandals on the Island of Love
A barber wants to marry his daughter to a scientist. He believes that he has found the proper candidate in the face of a trainee lawyer.
Ο Γαμπρός Μου, Ο Δικηγόρος!
A simple typewriter is familiar with a garage-facing young man, who is recommended to be a big business man. The same is done by her, presenting the...
A mistake in love
After a momentary lapse of judgment, an impecunious husband finds himself behind bars, losing both his freedom and his wife who's eloped with her...
Αγάπησα και πόνεσα
The life and action of Laskarina Bouboulina. Captain Lascarina decides to organize the revolution in Spetses and to participate herself, despite her...
A poor young man leaves the city that lives and works to go to Athens. On the way he will meet one mad, who falls in love with him , and a young...
We without money
Το φυλαχτό της μάνας
Καρδιά μου πάψε να πονάς
A couple of rich Greek-Americans travels from New York to Piraeus with their five nephews, who are unaware that their uncle has decided to implement...
Ένα Καράβι Παπαδόπουλοι
Without parents and siblings
Αν Μιλούσε Το Παρελθόν Μου
Ο Γολγοθάς μιας ορφανής