This delicately-rendered live action narrative follows the story of a ten-year-old boy and budding entomologist named Juozapas, who was born with his...
A Butterfly's Heart
When their father suddenly dies on holiday, his three children who haven’t spoken in years must work together to bring his corps home.
A single music teacher - Lina meets famous TV-host Tomas. They make a deal - Lina goes on online dates and provides Tomas with funny stories from her...
The Perfect Date
Following a traumatic experience, Gaile, a speech therapist, is incapable of feeling any emotion. However, while preparing a video presentation for a...
The Collectress
Hilma af Klint (1862-1944) is an important part of art history and one of the first ever painters of abstract art. However, unlike the work of many...
Motinos diena
Milda is planning to spend a night with her friends, but the news of her grampa's death slowly sets in.
After Rave
Lucas is a scientist who works near the European experimental project that focus on advanced ‘human neuron research’. The project is to...
Vanishing Waves
Vilnius, four hot summer days. Goda is learning anew to have a relationship while dealing with past trauma. Juste always had a safe life, planned for...
People We Know Are Confused
13-year-old Linus, the son of success-oriented German-Lithuanian parents, begins to question the values of the adult world when he meets the...
In the Rough
The coming-of-age tale of 16-year-old Lina Vilkas who is deported to Siberia amid Stalin's reign of terror in the Baltic region during WWII. An...
Ashes in the Snow
Close to bankruptcy, Irena, the owner of a struggling pig farm in a tiny post-Communist town, finds a surprising benefactor in a handsome American...
The plot follows an ordinary woman whose family are becoming estranged. Her daughter is a compulsive liar, and her husband seeks escape by working as...
Together For Ever
A man named Valentine is alone on Valentine's Day., and it drives him mad. Meanwhile, other couples are experiencing their own problems.
Single Valentine
Story about teenage love in sanatorium. Leta, a girl with a heart disease, and Saulius, a new boy in sanatorium, fall in love with each other, but...
I Don't Remember Your Face
Poilsiautojai: pavydo žaidynės
The year 1992. Lithuania is already independent. One day at her workplace a factory worker Danguole wins the SPECIAL prize . This means she will be...
It Would Be Splendid, Yet…
Monika's dream to play a one in a lifetime concert is cut short by her mother. However, she stops at nothing to pursue her dream.
The Castle
Kaunas, Lithuania, 1972... Young people are sitting in the Hotel "America" basement and listen to Western Radio.
Children of Hotel America