Based on the true story of Anna Ella Carroll, a self-taught lawyer and politician and unofficial member of Abraham Lincoln's cabinet who was...
Lost River: Lincoln's Secret Weapon
Before Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President and an icon, he was a man, and before he moved to D.C., he was a husband, a father, a young lawyer...
Abraham Lincoln: A Journey To Greatness
Re-enactments augment this documentary that chronicles Lincoln's journey from his early years as a rising politician through his presidency, the...
Lincoln's Last Night
We all know the main story of Abraham Lincoln's death, how he was killed, where it took place, and who pulled the trigger. But what exactly happened...
Lincoln's Last Day
Washington, D.C. in 1861. The Civil War is at the doorstep and the city is bracing for disaster. America is a country torn in two. An untested...
Lincoln's Washington at War