Hollywood animator Tom (Alex McArthur) gets lost in the Michigan woods after a snowmobile ride goes wrong. He finds refuge at an isolated cabin...
Suspended Animation
A coming-of-age story centered around a small-town singer brokenhearted by the death of her brother in a car crash, who had secretly submitted her...
Raise Your Voice
After she becomes stranded in a small town, a young woman discovers her arrival there was foretold a century earlier by the town's founding preacher...
Hallowed Ground
In Taft, California, 1981, Johnny (Fred Meyers) is a unassuming baseball hopeful who turned against his stern and demanding father (Joe Estevez) and...
The Catcher
The Stevens think that they've won an all-expenses-paid trip to an island that's halfway around the world. When their house is destroyed, their food...
The Even Stevens Movie
According to a high school's lore, the "Dirty Deeds" are a daunting list of dares almost no student has ever completed. To win the student body's...
Dirty Deeds
In a small Catholic boarding school an unspeakable act has been committed. When High School student, Luther Scott, confesses to Father Michael Kelly,...