Set on the eve of a fictional inaugural of the Bangsamoro Government, the film revolves around Daud, a scion of a political dynasty who is reluctant...
The story of the Filipina domestic who was hanged in Singapore for allegedly killing her fellow maid is chronicled in a film which operates on...
The Flor Contemplacion Story
A film which dares to imagine an "alternative historiography" of Jose Rizal by working the figure of Rizal into the "society and sexuality" of Sisa,...
A Filipino coming-of-age film directed by Johnny Manahan.
Oo Na... Mahal Na Kung Mahal
Jasmin, Violy, Baby and Daisy are sisters that were separated in their youth.
Kadenang Bulaklak
A mother and her daughter—who are both victims of incest-rape perpetrated by the same man now languishing in jail—are approached by a...
Larger than Life