Following the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York, Roger proposes to his boyfriend Tyler , and the gang embarks on a road trip to...
BearCity 2: The Proposal
A nostalgic and colorful peek behind the pages and personalities of International Male, one of the most ubiquitous and sought-after mail-order...
All Man: The International Male Story
It’s the resilience and love that keeps this community marching to the beat of its own drum; each generation redefining what it means to be...
PRIDE: To Be Seen - A Soul of a Nation Presentation
Celebrating Jon Stewart's decade and a half run as host of The Daily Show; the fake news show that satired and challenged all the other 'real' news...
Jon Stewart Has Left the Building
Chevy Chase bitterly takes in his roast.
The N.Y. Friars Club Roast of Chevy Chase
A Flea Market Documentary is a new PBS special and an all-American celebration of open-air shopping across the country. On any weekend, there may be...
A Flea Market Documentary
Armed with a limitless Rolodex and a Benedict Canyon enclave with its own disco, Allan Carr threw the Hollywood parties that defined the 1970s. A...
The Fabulous Allan Carr
Ceil and Enis are a happy if wacky female couple until giant baby son Junior (who sports a mustache but fits in his crib just dandy) develops a...