The story centers around Nanette, an American girl living in a small Canadian village, who is in love with John Patricia, the eldest of five...
The Heart of Humanity
Dick Rainboldt (Carey) signs up to work at a gold mine without realizing that he's being hired as a strikebreaker. He takes the job primarily because...
West Is West
Elizabeth Cheney has a wealthy husband, social prominence and everything she could want in life . . . except Ted Lutton, the man she loves. She must...
The Circle
DOWN HOME is a rural drama set in New England and stars Leatrice Joy as Nancy Pelot, daughter of the town drunk. He was once a businessman and still...
Down Home
Rose, a stranded showgirl, participates in a local amateur show and wins the prize. After the performance, she meets a wealthy young man who buys her...
The Smart Sex
Coming upon a burning cabin, David Brent discovers the body of Jim Drew, who had been killed in a fight with a drunken Indian. Brent finds in Drew's...
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