The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true...
Laurence Anyways
Fredo just inherited his uncle's company but it bores him. Then he meets Angelo, a French movie director that introduces to the magical world of...
Angelo, Fredo, and Romeo
An imaginative boy suffers the stifling ordinariness of his family's weekly Sunday ritual.
1952, Québec - Alys Robi, vocalist at the top of her popularity and recognized worldwide, was interned in spite of herself, by her father....
Bittersweet Memories
In this tragicomedy, Toni is the director of a staged rendition of Othello in Montreal. It is a pet project of his, financed by his loving mafia...
An Imaginary Tale
Manon, is obsessed with famous writer Chester Celine, who hails from Wyoming. Manon learns Chester is coming to town and becomes a slinky, svelte...
Wind from Wyoming