The true story of João Guilherme Estrella ("Johnny"), a young middle-class bon vivant who became a big-time cocaine dealer in Rio de Janeiro...
My Name Ain't Johnny
1943, World War II. The northeastern coast of Brazil is an strategic region for the Allies. Giancarlo, an Italian immigrant married to a Brazilian...
For All - O Trampolim da Vitória
Fernanda is content with her life until she meets Miguel, a drug addict, bisexual male prostitute. She becomes captivated by him and leaves her...
Happily Ever After
Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule...
After a shooting assignment, Henrique is mugged by two armed motor-bikers who steal his camera and speed off. Seconds later, he watches both get hit...
Taquari, a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, is the birthplace of dictator Arthur da Costa e Silva. In 1976, a bronze bust in his honor was...
Lagoa Armênia