It revolves around a grandmother who takes care of her grandson, Akob, who is looked down upon by the villagers including his own parents because of...
Tilam Perca
A Malaysian museum organises an exhibition on western ghosts and goblins in an effort to attract more visitors to the museum. However, the exhibition...
Usop Wilcha : Menghonjang Makhluk Muzium
Hairi (Saiful Apek) is a loser who lives in Metrofulus. While working in the lab, he accidentally drinks coffee that has been contaminated by a...
"Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah" is a title given by the people around her to Hanan because of her perfect attitude as a good Muslim. Hanan was raised by...
Perempuan Lindungan Kaabah
A ragtag group of five unruly cousins are convinced that they have been cursed by their late grandmother for losing her last will. In order to break...
Mulut Masin
Bakri Zain played by Dato 'Rosyam Nor - is a senior actor who has won many awards and his livelihood has never stopped. His life is complete with a...
Endowment of Sin