When four bodies are discovered among the industrial decay and urban grime of New York City, brash young detective Mike Reilly teams with ambitious...
In Liverpool, Joanne Conlon rescues a weeping statue of the Virgin Mary from her local church's replacement plans. As her family faces financial...
The Virgin of Liverpool
Two lowlifes with active fantasy sex lives deliver potatoes to various restaurants and grocers.
Sex Lives of the Potato Men
When he was a little boy, Dillon's rock musician father and hippie mother died in a traffic accident. Now in his twenties, Dillon wants nothing more...
The Love Child
Newlyweds Jackson and Daphne are on honeymoon when they find themselves in the same hotel as Jackson's old headmaster.
The Grass Widows
Taking as its departure point the 1993 opening of the Channel Tunnel, Là Bas is a playful burlesque on cultural difference, eccentricity and...
Là-bas (Down There)
Night Flight was a powerful drama set in 1943 and the present telling the story of two World War II veterans. Harry Peters piloted a Lancaster bomber...
Night Flight
This ghost story, set at the turn of the century, centers on the plight of elderly dowager Marianna, who is tormented by the alleged specter of a...
The Haunting of M.