A New York City money launderer desperately searches for answers after waking up with no memory, millions in stolen cash and drugs, and an insane...
While hiking in an isolated forest, survivalist Danny Coile and old Army buddy Arron James become hopelessly trapped when they fall into a deep dark...
The Pit
When his friend Sean can't muster the courage to break up with his highschool sweetheart, Damien steps in and does the deed for him. Together, Sean...
Don't Shoot The Messenger
A Gujarati housekeeper working in the United States, allows her ambitions to overpower her which leads her to get involved in the world of crime.
Two strangers struggle to overcome insurmountable odds when they are suddenly faced with unimaginable powers and an unbreakable connection.
The Connection
Single mom Jenna Thompson only five weeks to deliver her next teen novel to her publisher. So, this year's annual beach vacation with her kids will...
Love at the Shore
Where do you get those brilliant ideas? A question which plagues all creators. They say success comes with a price, but for the story of Mitch...
A Brilliant Monster