Young doctor Garondet is summoned by renowned Professor Orloff. At Orloff's castle, Garondet discovers that the mad scientist has created an...
The Invisible Man's Love Life
Justine, leaves her family, drops out of school at 18. Drifting in Paris, encountering odd characters she finally slips into prostitution.
The Swinger
A young peasant named Pierre makes friends with John and his sister Sonia, young bourgeoisie, who invite him to their home. Pierre soon falls in love...
The Big Delirium
Henri Serin (Jean-Pierre Marielle), an umbrella salesman, leads a quiet life between his work, his family and his passion for painting. During his...
During the debacle of 1940, the turbulent adventures of a pimp, his "five secretaries" and three soldiers.
Le commando des chauds lapins
La chaise vide
The dream, which filled half of her life, was no longer enough for Maryvonne. She leaves her husband, child, lover and leaves for Paimpol. And there,...
Le voyage à Paimpol
Nicole, nurse in Grenoble, is raped one night by four men. Deeply scarred, emotionally and physically, she thinks she will never recover from the...
Rape of Love
In this astonishing twelve-part project for and about television — the title of which refers to a 19th-century French primer Le tour de la...
France / Tour / Detour / Two / Children
A fictionalized report from the Côte d'Azur. Preparing for vacation (diet and artificial tanning). The vacation route (a hitchhiker has her...
Pleasure Mafia
Tes yeux de braise me font merguez
André Fragman, nicknamed "Fairbanks" after his childhood idol by his film projectionist father, returns home from military service. He meets...
F as in Fairbanks
Four young African workers attempt to break the spell of their poverty-stricken lives in Paris by looking to small farmers on the Gold Coast for...
Safrana or Freedom of Speech
Walter Klozett is a spy arrested and imprisoned by the French Police who know him in possession of stolen booty which the French secret services...
San-Antonio ne pense qu'à ça