One day, Jason finds an unusual board game called Mamba. When his surfer friends start to play, the games unleashes its deadly curse, killing the...
Open Graves
Amidst the 1988 war, Caroline takes a car ride with her father to the Iranian countryside of Birjand.
In the Garden of Tulips
After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to...
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Welcome to Sin City. This town beckons to the tough, the corrupt, the brokenhearted. Some call it dark… Hard-boiled. Then there are those who...
Sin City
On Aug. 21, 2015, the world watches in stunned silence as the media reports a thwarted terrorist attack on a train that's bound for Paris -- an...
The 15:17 to Paris
A young American real estate agent of Middle Eastern descent is framed by his co-workers in the wake of the September 11 attacks and sent to prison...
Based on the true story of the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch, by the United States army, in Iraq.
Saving Jessica Lynch
When Maggie gets an emotional support dog to help quell some of her anxiety, she finds him to be even more effective than she imagined... because...
Good Boy