Art Punks is a song directly attacking the antics of famous conceptual body artists of the day.
Art Punks
Two early experiments from Ernest Gusella.
Playing Catch and Playing Catch Again
A feedback homage to the works of Duchamp.
Dude Defending A Stare-Case
What Under The Sun? is a private view of Mexico and it's history up to the present, loosely based on Bernal Diaz's account of Cortez's Conquest of...
What Under the Sun?
CONNECTICUT PAPOOSE is conceived a surrealist tract, with references to Lautremont, Tristan Tzara, Andre Breton and to surrealist images of sleeping...
Connecticut Papoose
No Commercial Potential is composed of 19 separate video performance works. Each piece utilizes some aspect of video processing; From the playful to...
No Commercial Potential (Collected Works 1974 - 1978)
The "exquisite corpse" named in the title of this piece refers to a favorite game of the Surrealists, played by passing a folded sheet of paper among...
Exquisite Corpse
This work is Woody's first entry into the narrative sphere, whereby the "story" is continually undermined with the aid of various anti-narrative...
The Commission