"Uncharted" is a story of a documentary film crew who crash on an island, when they were in hopes of finding a rare animal, a jaguar, that is...
Teen romantic comedy following quarterback Aidan Lansing
Ditching Party
Based on the true story of an old school Latino Hitman who goes through rehab and repentance after a near death experience, but is forced to fall...
The film watches as horrific events inspire two young women to set out on a cross-country trail of chaos in their mobile tattoo van. With deviant...
This action packed Hip-Hop drama explores the life of Oscar Hernandez, a handsome Latino ex-gang member who sets forth to land a recording contract...
Platinum Illusions
Ethan Bortnick plays the leading role as Nathan,a young boy who's separated from his mother when she goes missing during a trip to Japan to help...
Anything Is Possible
What was meant to be a fun weekend retreat turns deadly for a group of friends when agitated spirits haunt the house they're staying in to warn them...
Against the backdrop of Reno, talkback radio, casinos, money, religion, crime, and other perversions, Melvin Smarty is a comedic romp about young...
Melvin Smarty
When two Producers are threatened by their boss to make a successful movie, they turn to the only solution they can think of. Kill an actor - movie...
Bullet Ride
When the reckless actions of an out-of-control LAPD officer get his partner killed in a deadly hostage situation, he gets suspended from the police...
American Justice
Based on true events, a cry for help from women that have been abused. Speaking out is one of the hardest things to do. Are they ready?
Silent No More
A renowned circus dog is the only one left behind after her traveling show leaves town. In a stroke of luck, she is found by Billy, a kid from the...
A Dog and Pony Show
A story about four boys who believe their hometown is cursed. The boys, Alex, Camilo, David and Roger are hired by Remedios (a local witch) to find...
Goonie-Boys: Curse of the Mayan Coin
Al gets an inheritance from his dad- but there's a catch, he must go back home to reopen his dad's bar. Along the way, he finds laughter and a woman...
Gone Hollywood
Lefty-a hard working, light hearted man is looking to make a decent buck. But when a simple bet goes horribly wrong, Lefty is stuck between a rock...
American Lowrider