Katherine Parr, the sixth wife of King Henry VIII, is named regent while the tyrant battles abroad. When the king returns, increasingly ill and...
John and Mary have lived with desolating grief and the agony of uncertainty for the past ten years. Their only child, Clare, ran away from home when...
A witch hunt is beginning in Arthur Miller's captivating parable of power with Erin Doherty (The Crown) and Brendan Cowell (Yerma). Raised to be...
National Theater Live: The Crucible
An estranged father and daughter are pulled back together by his extreme new belief that he's the last living person on Earth.
The Last Jeff
Three young Bristol men deployed to Afghanistan are returning to the women in their lives. Now they must share the physical and psychological...
Pink Mist
A woman struggles with the pressures of motherhood and uses a childish game at a local baby group to vent her fury, sparking an unexpected chain...
If You're Happy