For his first animation of a Carte blanche Just for Laughs, Jean-Thomas Jobin relies on an unexpected ally, the drag-queen Rita Baga. On stage, their...
Gala JPR 2021 - Les Soirées Carte Blanche Jean-Thomas Jobin et Rita Baga
The documentary looks back on the evolution and key moments of black humour in Quebec.
Once Upon a Time a Black
Montreal, Winter 2002. Stéphane, 19 years old, fan of Metal, student in graphic design, dreams of becoming an illustrator. But for months he...
The Dishwasher
A family of dysfunctional puppets!
La Dump - Deuxième saison
This documentary attempts to understand why so many comedians experience mental health issues, a condition that stands in stark contrast to their...
Le clown est triste
Fais ton fric
Mike Ward au Bordel
The experience of 2nd generation immigrants, people who are born and raised in a country different than the one their parents were born in. The...