The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne...
After Midnight
After a few years working like intern, Till, eventually becomes head of his own company, job counseling for young trainees. In turn, comes Sydelia,...
Résiste - Aufstand der Praktikanten
On the day of her greatest honor, the well-known Berlin author Agnes Berg receives the shocking news of the accidental death of her daughter Johanna...
Im Fluss des Lebens
In ‘The Secret of Balthasar Castle’, the first cinematic adventure of the Europa-Park mascots, Ed, Edda and their friends have to solve...
The Secret of Balthasar Castle
The story of Jacob Fabian, a somewhat liberal Berlin advertising copywriter who witnesses the collapse of the prewar German society during the 1930s.