When an overzealous immigrant accidentally arrives in the city of Jacksonville instead of Disney World, a local native shows him around the 904 as...
Consumo Americano
A silent film mourning the death of Analog television.
Goodbye Channel 99
An adaptation of the Book of Genesis by Bernardo Goya.
Garden of Eden
A visual adaptation of Bosch's Triptych of the Temptation of St. Anthony.
Saint Anthony's Fire
The story of Yung E and his friends, Mid-Size Sedan & The Bootlegger, have to beat the welfare system due to the food stamp chaos. Meanwhile, famous...
Pig Latin
A satire on the American entertainment industry, the story follows the real life exploits of Clownie as life drags him through the mud. Echoing from...
The HARD Life and Times of Clownie Vol.1