Buddy is a young boy on the cusp of adolescence, whose life is filled with familial love, childhood hijinks, and a blossoming romance. Yet, with his...
A WWII veteran escapes his care home in Northern Ireland and embarks on an arduous but inspirational journey to France to attend the 75th anniversary...
The Last Rifleman
Having left England for a romantic escapade in the South of France, Olivier and James invite Caroline along at the very last minute. The trio arrives...
Being 9 months pregnant is not a beautiful miracle - at least not to Mags, who’s exactly that. Lonely, she seeks advice from a visitor, but...
Macbeth story When three witches tell Macbeth that he is destined to occupy the throne of Scotland, he and his wife choose to become the instruments...
Macbeth - Live at Shakespeare's Globe
On a distant island a man waits. Robbed of his position, power and wealth, his enemies have left him in isolation. But this is no ordinary man, and...
RSC Live: The Tempest
A field. A gang. A gun. A frightened boy. His brave sister. Their determined mother. And a towering steel obelisk overseeing it all. 'Pylon' is about...